Kim Gordon: NOISE NAME PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURES OF ROCK By Paul Chan & Frank Guan & Girl in a Band: A Memoir
Kim Gordon's noise paintings and sculptures blur the boundaries of the page, the stage and the gallery. "I approach music and visual art in different ways; I consider them utterly separate art forms," says Gordon. "This book brings them together." Her work embodies a musical subculture, juxtaposing authorship, visualization and the reciprocal influences of multidisciplinary poetic communication. By scrawling their names on white canvases, her series of Noise Name paintings pay tribute to bands such as The Stooges and Pussy Galore. Published to accompany an exhibition at the Benaki Museum in Athens organized by the DESTE, this limited-edition volume includes a vinyl record of the performance of Gordon and Bill Nace as Body/Head, which took place on the museum's rooftop, as well as a book with essays by Paul Chan, Frank Guan and John Miller. SIGNED & Inscribed First Edition, Also included Kim Gordon's Autobiography, Girl in A Band, SIGNED First Edition .